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Sustandrox 350 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Testosterone Blend Suspension.


50mg  Testosterone Phenylpropionate
50mg  Testosterone Propionate 

100mg Testosterone Cypionate 
100mg Testosterone Enanthate 
50mg  Testosterone Acetate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Susta (sustanon) is an ester testosterone. Its main benefit for athletes and body builders is that it is injected only once in a month so they have to visit the doctor only once in a month and moreover, other steroids can also be used along with it. It causes muscles growth and fat loss. So this steroid is anabolic as well as strongly catabolic. It also has capacity to increase erythropiesis and increase muscle oxygen intake. Due to high oxygen muscle intake, even strenuous exercise can be dealt easily. It can increase the aggressiveness through neuromuscular transmission. Weight gain by using this medicine is remarkable. It is used by athletes to increase the muscle number and appearance. Because of its anabolic and catabolic activities, it is very popular among sports men to lose fat from the body. It actually, doesn’t increase the muscle mass but it concentrate on increasing the muscles number. It significantly increase erythropoiesis and is used in certain anemia. It is used in conditions where glycogen synthesis is required. Body builders use it to increase the aggressiveness in the game. Athletes use it at the time of excessive training exercise because it helps a lot due to increased oxygen muscle levels.


Possible Side effects: Side effects are Gynecomastia, acne, decreases in libido, shrinkage of the testicles,Increase in blood pressure because it has high affinity to retain water in the body, Increase in the prostate size and difficulty in urination, Baldness- male pattern, estrogenic side effects are produced due to conversion of androgen to estrogen, In women it can also lead to enlargement of clitoris.

Effective dose: 250-1000 mg per week.

Use for: 12 - 52 weeks

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Enandrox 250 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Testosterone  Suspension.


250mg Testosterone Enanthate 


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Testosterone esters are less polar than free testosterone. Testosterone esters in oil injected intramuscularly are absorbed slowly from the lipid phase; thus Testosterone Enanthate can be given at intervals of two to four weeks. Testosterone in plasma is 98 percent bound to a specific testosteroneestradiol binding globulin, and about two percent is free. Generally, the amount of this sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in the plasma will determine the distribution of testosterone between free and bound forms and the free testosterone concentration will determine its half-life. About 90 percent of a dose of testosterone is excreted in the urine as glucuronic and sulfuric acid conjugates of testosterone and its metabolites; about six percent of a dose is excreted in the feces, mostly in the unconjugated form. Inactivation of testosterone occurs primarily in the liver. Testosterone is metabolized to various 17-keto steroids through two different pathways. There are considerable variations of the half-life of testosterone as reported in the literature, ranging from 10 to 100 minutes. Testosterone Enanthate injection, USP is indicated for replacement therapy in conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone. It is also indicated in Idiopathic gonadotropin or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) deficiency, or pituitary-hypothalamic injury from tumors, trauma, or radiation women with advancing inoperable metastatic (skeletal) mammary cancer who are one to five years postmenopausal. Primary goals of therapy in these women include ablation of the ovaries. Women taking these are higher risks of developing breast cancer.

Possible Side Effects: There are many side effects including gynecomastia, difficulty in urination due to prostate hyperplasia, hypertension may occur due to water retention, Fatigue may occur by its continuous use, vomiting, nausea, prolong erection, swelling of the extremities, yellowness in the eyes can occur by its use.

Effective dose: 250-1250 mg per week

Use for: 12 - 52 weeks

Cypandrox 200 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Testosterone  Suspension.


200mg Testosterone Cypionate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: American athletes have a long and fond relationship with Testosterone cypionate. While Testosterone enanthate is manufactured widely throughout the world, cypionate seems to be almost exclusively an American item. It is therefore not surprising that American athletes particularly favor this testosterone ester. But many claim this is not just a matter of simple pride, often swearing cypionate to be a superior product, providing a bit more of a "kick" than enanthate. At the same time it is said to produce a slightly higher level of water retention, but not enough for it to be easily discerned. Of course when we look at the situation objectively, we see these two steroids are really interchangeable, and cypionate is not at all superior. Both are long acting oil-based injectables, which will keep testosterone levels sufficiently elevated for approximately two weeks. Enanthate may be slightly better in terms of testosterone release, as this ester is one carbon atom lighter than cypionate (remember the ester is calculated in the steroids total milligram weight). The difference is so insignificant however that no one can rightly claim it to be noticeable (we are maybe talking a few milligrams per shot). Regardless, cypionate came to be the most popular testosterone ester on the U.S. black market for a very long time

Possible Side effects: Since testosterone is the primary male androgen, we should also expect to see pronounced androgenic side effects with this drug. Much intensity is related to the rate in which the body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This, as you know, is the devious metabolite responsible for the high prominence of androgenic side effects associated with testosterone use. This includes the development of oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth and male pattern balding. Those worried that they may have a genetic predisposition toward male pattern baldness may wish to avoid testosterone altogether. Others opt to add the ancillary drug Proscar/ Propecia, that prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This can greatly reduce the chance for running into a hair loss problem, and will probably lower the intensity of other androgenic side effects. Although active in the body for much longer time, cypionate is injected on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in order to maintain stable blood levels.

Effective dose: 200 mg - 2000 mg per week

Use for: 12 - 52 weeks

Propiandrox 200 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Testosterone  Suspension.


200mg Testosterone Propionate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. In both men and women, testosterone plays a key role in health and well-being as well as in sexual functioning. Examples include enhanced libido, increased energy, increased production of red blood cells and protection against osteoporosis. On average, an adult human male body produces about forty to sixty times more testosterone than an adult female body, but females are more sensitive to the hormone.

Possible Side effects: However, over the years, as with every hormone, testosterone or other anabolic steroids has also been given for many other conditions and purposes besides replacement, with variable success but higher rates of side effects or problems. Examples include infertility, lack of libido or erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, penile enlargement, height growth, bone marrow stimulation and reversal of anemia, and even appetite stimulation. By the late 1940s testosterone was being touted as an antiaging wonder drug (e.g., see Paul de Kruif's The Male Hormone). Decline of testosterone production with age has led to a demand for Androgen Replacement Therapy.

Effective dose: 50-200 mg in every other day

Use for: 12 - 52 weeks

Decandrox 200 |  Anabolic Steroid


Nandrolone  Suspension.


200mg Nandrolone Decanoate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: The positive effects of the drug include muscle growth, appetite stimulation and increased red blood cell production and bone density. Clinical studies have shown it to be effective in treating anemia, osteoporosis and some forms of neoplasia including breast cancer, and also acts as a progestin-based contraceptive. For these reasons, in the United States nandrolone received FDA approval in 1983.

Possible Side effects: Because nandrolone is not broken down into DHT, the deleterious effect common to most anabolic steroids on the scalp, skin, and prostate are lessened to a degree; but is rather broken down to the much weaker androgen dihydronandrolone. The lack of alkylation on the 17á-carbon drastically reduces the drug's liver toxicity. Estrogenic effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also mitigated as a result of the drug being a progestin, but effects such as gynaecomastia and reduced libido still occur in larger doses. Other side-effects can include erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular damage, as well as several ailments resulting from the drug's effect of lowering levels of luteinizing hormone through negative feedback.

Effective dose: 200-1000 mg per week

Use for: 12 - 24 weeks

Standrox 100 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Stanozolol  Suspension.


100mg Stanozolol


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Stanozolol is a synthetic anabolic steroid approved by FDA for human use. It is derived from testosterone. Stanozolol has large oral bioavailability because it survives through liver metabolism and therefore available in tablet form. It does not produce estrogen as end product. Stanozolol is popular in female bodybuilders because of its large anabolic effect and weak androgenic effects; however virilisation and masculinization are most common side effects. Stanozolol is banned from use in sports competitions by IAAF and many other sporting bodies. Stanozolo is popular in bodybuilders because of its anabolic effects also because it tends to retain lean body mass without any water retention and weight gain. stanazolol is also thought to be a fat burning drug, however there is very little evidence supporting this. It is used by body buildsers for anabolic effects to enhance the masculine appearance. Clinically it has been used to treat anemia and hereditary angioedema in humans with remarkable success and is very popular among most of the physicians. In veterinary it has been used in weak animals to increase body mass, improve blood counts and appetite. Stanozolol has also been used in horse racing to give a metabolic assist during the preparation of the competition. Stanozolol is normally presented as 5 mg tablets. The dosage is 10-25 mg/day with optimal results at 50mg/day.

Possible Side effects: The effects of drug are not permanent and only last as long as one keeps taking it in regular dosage. As soon as the intake stops body mass decreases rapidly. Possible side effects of Stanozolol are insomnia, depression, jaundice which can be serious, nausea and vomiting, gynocomastia, male pattern baldness and deepening of voice.

Effective dose: 50 - 100 mg in every other day

Use for: 6 - 8 weeks

Primandrox 100 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Methenolone  Suspension.


100mg Methenolone Enanthate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: It is an anabolic steroid based on Dihydrotestosterone. It is normally available in the market under the name of Primobolon tablet or injectable form. This anabolic steroid is used commonly by those who are high susceptibilities of estrogenic signs because in this steroid estrogen doesn’t produce. Body builders use metenolone during the resting time to keep their body in the same vigor and strength. It doesn’t have an approved prescription profile. Many players and body builders have tested positive for this steroid and penalized. Moreover, it is also formulated to assist patients suffering from certain idiopathic forms of anemia. Body builders use it when they are not functional as for as the exercise is concerned to maintain their physical appearance. It is very safe in women body builders because estrogenic signs are not produced by this anabolic steroid. It is indicated in the patients who have damaged bone marrow and any other idiopathic form of anemia because it stimulates erythropoiesis. It is contraindicated in the pregnant female and those male who are suffering from prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic cancer. It needs to be continued for three months at the prescribed dose rate. It shouldn’t be discontinued because the expected results could not be achieved.

Possible Side effects: In sexually mature female there are chances of menstrual irregularities. In boys, premature puberty is a possible side effect. In adult males, there may be sluggish spermatogenesis. It effects the liver to some extent but the damage is comparatively less as compared to other anabolic steroids.

Effective dose : 200 - 1000 per week

Use for: 12 - 24 weeks

Trenandrox 76 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Trenbolone Suspension.


75,6 mg Trenbolone Acetate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. To increase its effective half-life, trenbolone is not used in an unrefined form, but is rather administered as trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike nandrolone however trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention.

Possible Side effects: Trenbolones chemical structure makes it resistant to the aromatize enzyme (conversion to estrogen) thus absolutely no percentage of trenbolone will convert to estrogen. Trenbolone administration would not promote estrogenic side effects such as breast tissue growth in men (gynecomastia, bitch tits) accelerated fat gain, decline in fat break down and water retention trenbolone. Trenbolone is also resistant to the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme, this enzyme reduces some steroid hormones into a more androgenic form, in trenbolones case however this does not matter, trenbolone boasts an androgenic ratio of 500, it can easily cause adverse androgenic side effects.

Effective dose: 50-100 mg in every other day

Use for: 8 - 12 weeks

Trenandrox 200 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Trenbolone Suspension.


200 mg Trenbolone Enanthate


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. To increase its effective half-life, trenbolone is not used in an unrefined form, but is rather administered as trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike nandrolone however trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention.

Possible Side effects: Trenbolones chemical structure makes it resistant to the aromatize enzyme (conversion to estrogen) thus absolutely no percentage of trenbolone will convert to estrogen. Trenbolone administration would not promote estrogenic side effects such as breast tissue growth in men (gynecomastia, bitch tits) accelerated fat gain, decline in fat break down and water retention trenbolone. Trenbolone is also resistant to the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme, this enzyme reduces some steroid hormones into a more androgenic form, in trenbolones case however this does not matter, trenbolone boasts an androgenic ratio of 500, it can easily cause adverse androgenic side potent effects.

Effective dose: 300-600 mg per week

Use for: 8 - 12 weeks

3Trenandrox 225 | Androgen and Anabolic Steroid


Trenbolone Suspension.


75mg Trembolone Enanthate

75mg Trembolone Acetate

75mg Parabolan 


Pharmacokinetics and Indications: Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. To increase its effective half-life, trenbolone is not used in an unrefined form, but is rather administered as trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike nandrolone however trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention.

Possible Side effects: Trenbolones chemical structure makes it resistant to the aromatize enzyme (conversion to estrogen) thus absolutely no percentage of trenbolone will convert to estrogen. Trenbolone administration would not promote estrogenic side effects such as breast tissue growth in men (gynecomastia, bitch tits) accelerated fat gain, decline in fat break down and water retention trenbolone. Trenbolone is also resistant to the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme, this enzyme reduces some steroid hormones into a more androgenic form, in trenbolones case however this does not matter, trenbolone boasts an androgenic ratio of 500, it can easily cause adverse androgenic side potent effects.

Effective dose: 300-600 mg per week

Use for: 8 - 12 weeks


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We don't produce the following products:

Oxymetholone, Halotestin & Proviron.

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